
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Interview with Jeanne Bannon, author of Invisible - Blog Tour

Jeanne Bannon is the author of Invisible, a YA novel.
Published by: Solstice Publishing
Published: September 2011

Lola’s not pretty. Lola’s not popular. Lola wishes she could disappear … and then one day she does just that... For seventeen-year-old Lola Savullo, life is a struggle. Born to funky parents who are more in than she could ever be, Lola’s dream of becoming a writer makes her an outsider even in her own home. Bullied and despised, Lola still has the support of her best pal Charlie and Grandma Rose. Not only is she freakishly tall, Lola’s a big girl and when forced to wear a bathing suit at her summer job as a camp counselor, Lola’s only escape from deep embarrassment seems to be to literally vanish. Soon after, she discovers the roots of her new “ability”. Slowly, with Charlie’s help, Lola learns to control the new super power. The possibilities are endless. Yet power can be abused, too… Then, when tragedy strikes, Lola must summon her inner strength, both at home and at school. She has to stand up for herself, despite the temptations and possibilities of her newfound super power. A coming-of-age story that will warm the heart.

Where/how did you get the idea for Invisible?
I was taking a break from writing my paranormal thriller, Dark Angel when the idea for Invisible struck me. I was watching my daughter at her swimming lessons and knowing that she didn't like her lessons, I thought, "I bet Sara wishes she could just disappear". That, along with an experience I had being bullied growing up, became the story of Lola Savullo, an overweight teen who just wishes she could disappear, then one day she does.

How long did it take you to write Invisible?
Invisible was a dream to write. I always say it was a gift because it only took four months to write from beginning to end.

How long have you been writing?
I've been writing on and off for as far back as I can remember. I wrote as a kid, as a teen, as a young adult. Then stopped for a long time after kids and a mortgage came along. I started to write seriously again just three years ago.

Do you have other books published or are you working on any other books?
I have a short story published in an anthology titled "A Visitor to Sandahl" and I am finishing up my paranormal thriller, Dark Angel.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be many things from a teacher to a lawyer to a journalist, but deep down, I always wanted to write. Writing is my one true passion and it took me 'til mid-life to finally realize my dream, to listen to my heart and to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

What was your favorite book when you were younger?
Hmmm, this is a tough one first because I cant remember loving any children's books and second because even as a pre-teen, I read whatever novel was laying around the house. I remember reading Sydney Sheldon novels before I was 12 and Jeffery Archer's Kane and Abel at that age as well.

If Invisible was made into a movie, who do you see as the main characters?
I don't picture anyone as the main characters, but I suppose if I were in charge of casting Lola Savullo, I would want a 'normal' sized actress, not some skinny, typically beautiful Hollywood type. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head, but she'd have to be very tall with dark curly hair and on the plump side.

Please include a fun, random fact about yourself or something that most people don't know.
I've seen a ghost. Yes, it's absolutely true. She floated into my bedroom just after I'd fallen asleep. I was awakened by a voice announcing her arrival as a whisper in my ear. When I sat up, I saw her. The strange thing was that she had no legs! She wore a polka dotted blouse and thankfully did not notice me. After floating down the side of my bed, she went right through the window and disappeared.

About the author:
Jeanne Bannon has worked in the publishing industry for over twenty years. She began her career as a freelance journalist, then worked as an in-house editor for LexisNexis Canada. Jeanne currently works as a freelance editor and writer.

Jeanne’s had several short stories published and won first place in the Writes of Caledon Short Story Contest. Her novels, The Barely Boy and Dark Angel were finalists in the 2010 and 2011 Strongest Start Contests. Another of her short stories “Thom’s Journey” is part of an Anthology entitled A Visitor to Sandahl and is available at Invisible is Jeanne’s debut novel.

When not reading or writing, Jeanne enjoys being with her daughters, Nina and Sara and her husband, David. She’s also the proud mother of two fur babies, a sweet Miniature Schnauzer named Emily and Spencer, a rambunctious tabby, who can be a very bad boy.

To learn more about Jeanne visit her on her website, on Facebook and Twitter.

As a special part of Jeanne’s tour, Invisible is available for $0.99 at and Smashwords from December 5th to 16th!


  1. Thanks so much for letting me stop by on my blog tour. I very much appreciate it :)


  2. Invisible is a masterful book that really captures what it's like to be on the bullied side of high school life. It also shows what some people feel when they try for revenge. Sure, Lola (the main character) got her revenge, but she said it wasn't as sweet as what people normally say for it to be. She said it was a horrible feeling that she never wanted to feel again.

    I think Jeanne Bannon did a wonderful job with a quiet teenager that was always down on herself because of what people said about her. She really got a great message across. Bullies are never as cool as they want people to think, and that you can choose to believe what people think about you or not.
    This book was amazing and I really hope everyone else loves it as much as I do :)
