
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Giveaway: Perigee Moon by Tara Fuller

This giveaway is part of the Lunar Love Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Bookworm Lisa. There are a lot of great blogs participating in this hop. After you enter here, hop over and enter their giveaways too.

My Giveaway:
One winner will receive Perigee Moon by Tara Fuller. Winner will receive a print copy if in the U.S. or an eBook if outside the U.S.

Perigee Moon
After a horrific fire claims the life of her mother, seventeen year old Rowan Bliss finds herself in the miniscule town of Ipswich, Massachusetts. It’s here that she meets Alex, a deliciously mysterious boy who holds the key to unlocking her family’s dark secret.

As Rowan falls helplessly over the edge for Alex, the secrets that he insists on keeping refuse to be contained, and the truth that she uncovers challenges everything she has ever believed. Alex is a witch. And now he’s awakened something within her she never even knew existed. But out of all of this, the one thing Rowan won’t accept is the fact that Alex is destined to die.

Now Rowan must unearth the buried power she harbors within to escape a deadly prophecy, defy the very laws of time, and prevent the hands of fate from taking yet another person she loves.

How to enter:
Be a follow of Krazy Book Lady in whatever way you choose. (Twitter, Facebook, RSS, GFC, etc - Links are in the right sidebar.)

For additional optional entries:  (For a total of 4 entries.)
+1 Follow Tara Fuller on Twitter or like on Facebook.
+1 Leave a blog post comment about why you want to win Perigee Moon OR you can leave a comment on the author interview with Tara Fuller. ("Thanks for the giveaway" type comments will not count as an entry.)
+1 Tweet about this giveaway. Here's the tweet to use:
I want to #win PERIGEE MOON by @Tara25Fuller from @KrazyBookLady in the Lunar Love Giveaway Hop!

Giveaway details:
Giveaway is open internationally. (See details above.) This giveaway will run until midnight EST on March 13. Must be 13 or older to enter. Winner will be chosen using Winner will be emailed and this blog post will be updated to include the name of the winner. Winner has 3 days to contact me or a new winner will be selected.

Sorry! This giveaway is now closed.

Winner: Natalie C.


  1. I have heard about this book but haven't picked it up yet.. I would LOVE to win. Why? I love stories based in Massachusetts. Ipswich is actually about 15 minutes from where I am from (Haverhill, MA) and about 25 minutes from where I work. Sounds like it will be a great read. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  2. Thank you for the international giveaway!
    I would like to win the book because the blurb seems interesting. Actually I haven't read many book about witches so I would like to have on
    :) And Alex! *-* I love that name , Alex Pettyfer is my ideal boyfriend ahaha just kidding :)
    Thank you again

  3. I have heard so much about this book that I can't wait to read it. And I also love the cover!

  4. Thank you for the giveaway, this book sounds amazing I really want to read it, I've never read a book by Tara Fuller and love discovering new authors!

  5. I would love to read this book because I love trying new things. I love meeting new authors. And I love reading new stories.

  6. The reason may be stupid, but I like the cover. So I wanna read the book :D

  7. I want to win "Perigee Moon" because I am drawn to the moon and the tile alone catches my eye:) I am a reader and I love to add to my home library as often as possible too.

  8. I'd love to win Perigee Moon because Ipswich and Rowan's secrets sound like they're full of lore and the premise seems totally original.

  9. I want to win this book because it involves some dark family secrets and a mysteriously cute boy (at least I hope he's cute). Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I don't have a mindblowing reason other than it looks good and i would love to read it!

  11. I would love to be an author and found Tara Fuller and Perigee Moon a couple a weeks ago. I want to read it because I love reading new authors! So inspiring! :)

  12. I love the premise and I haven't read a book about witch recently. Also, I've heard great things about it. Thanks for the giveaway! :-D

  13. I would love to read this book because I'm a big fan of witches. Plus I love the name Rowan, especially for a girl.

  14. i would love to win this

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  15. I would love to win this book because it shows a girl's struggle to save someone that she loves <3

  16. I would like to win this because it sounds like it will be an interesting read

  17. I would like to win because I like this kind of book and I haven't read a lot books about witches and cover is beautiful.

  18. This is a new to me book. I am really getting into books with supernatural characters. I love that being a witch is a family secret. Great story.

  19. Thanks so much for the chance, Id love to win because since I first heard about this Ive had it on my wishlist. It is the type of book Id love to devour!!

  20. Thanks so much for the chance. Id love to win because since I first heard about it I knew it was a book Id devour.

  21. I would love to read this book. Sounds very good and I love anything witchy. It sounds a little like The Secret Circle and I love love that show/ I think I would enjoy this book. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win :D

  22. I would love to read this book, it sounds like it would be a sweet read.

  23. I would love to win this book as it sounds really interesting and I love the cover

  24. Perigree Moon really looks like a great read. I have not read anything by Tara Fuller and I do love finding any authors. This is a very eye catching cover also.

  25. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
    I would love to win this book because I love anything supernatural and I would love to read this book because the cover is beautiful and the Summery was great, I'm so interested now!!

  26. I've had this one on my wishlist since I first saw the cover and read the blurb. Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC- Lisa Richards
    Thanks for participating in the hop!

  27. This is a new author for me but I LOVE "witch" stories, particularly those set in New England. And I love this cover! Very intriguing!

  28. I'd like to win this book because I haven't read that many novels on witches. It's something I would love to read more about!

  29. Thanks for the giveaway! This books sounds great! I love anything that has to do with witches - throw in some dark family secrets and a hot guy?? Sounds awesome!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I'd like to win a copy of Pedigree Moon because i love story lines that deal with a girl falling in love with a guy who is dark, guarded and hiding a secret and yet she fights for him by using her own powers.Alex and Rowan sound like a great couple!

  32. I'd like to win this book since I love stories with such twist and mystery. Also, this is a witch book. So I really like it. :)

  33. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I have heard such great things about this book. Including a few steamy scenes that made me want the book even more. Plus who doesn't love uncovering secrets and witches.

  34. so interesting book, i would love to win ;)

  35. This book sounds really good. I have been very into paranormal fiction lately, but I haven't read a ton about witches. Guess it's time to start.

  36. I haven't had the pleasure of reading any books by Tara Fuller, but this sounds marvelous. I would love to win.

  37. I want to win because it sounds so mysteriou...the family has a dark secret! I have to find out what it is! lol

  38. I love mysteries. And I really love New England. I live in MI but for some reason, give me a small town new england story any day.

  39. I can't believe this is the first I am hearing of this book, it sounds amazing!!! Would so love to win this and am so glad this is on my radar. Thanks for the chance to win

  40. i would love 2 win this nook i oh so want to read it thanks so much for the give away

  41. Thank u for this awesome giveaway. I'd love to read the book. The story sounds great and I love the cover. I would love to win the hard copy, but because I'm international fan then ebook is ok :)

  42. I would love to win this book because I am always eager to discover annd read books by authors previously unknown to me.
    Tracy Awalt Juliano

  43. I am a public follower of yours on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue).
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  44. I want to win this book because it sounds like a great read .

  45. I would love to read this book because I like witches as paranormal beings. They tend to be my favorites right now. Aside from that, it sounds like a very interesting book and I think my daughter would enjoy it too.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  46. This sounds like an exciting teen paranormal, so I'm sure I'd love it. Thanks for the chance:)

    Sarah Bibi Setar

    sarah DOT setar AT gmail DOT com

  47. The cover really is beautiful and the synopsis sparked my interest. I can't wait to read how Rowan will outsmart the prophecy

  48. I am really into paranormal stories and witches don't get enough stories (too many vampires and werewolves to compete with I guess). The time travel part also caught my interest.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com

  49. I would love to win because I haven't read a good witch book since forever!

  50. I haven't read a good witch book in a long time. I am hoping that this will be the one that breaks the barrier.

  51. I would love to read this, It looks so interesting and witch books are my favorite.

  52. Love the sound of this book! Definitely going on my wishlist. I love it when there's a hidden family secret - I want to know what it is. How cool would it be to find out you're a witch!

  53. I'd love to read this because it sounds really interesting and lately, I've been into witch books!
