
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Favorite Book Covers

Kayla's Favorite Covers:

I’ll be honest – covers make or break a book for me. Yes, I am well aware that I should not judge a book by its cover, but why should I waste my time on a book that does not look appealing? I am a visual person, and to me, a cover is a pictorial summary of the book. I will not pick up a book that does not have a great cover. There. I said it. Now, I want you to know that this is only if I am book shopping without a particular book in mind or if I don’t have any recommendations. These are the books that came to mind when I thought about my favorite covers – in no particular order.

1. Hexed by Kevin Hearne
Atticus is just so utterly delicious. See those eyes? He’s looking at me. No, I don’t care if you think he’s looking at you. That druid is ALL mine.

2. A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford
I do not know why it is that I love this cover so much. I am not a fan of pink, but it’s hard for me to stop staring at this model. The back of the cover is really awesome, too.

3. Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues by Diana Rowland
This is just genius, a million times over. The cover artist just captured the trashiness of a public bathroom and a former druggie oh so well.

4. Duma Key by Stephen King
I had to show the full cover on this one. Duma Key is one of my all-time favorite novels, and art plays a huge part in the story. The way the different props are used on the bloody, watery canvas is genius. There is nothing shown on the cover that does not play a part in the story.

5. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden (Movie Tie-In Cover)
Yes, it is just a beautiful face. But isn’t that what a Geisha is supposed to be? It’s a beautiful cover for a beautiful book.

6. Eragon by Christopher Paolini
I love the way Saphira is drawn here. There is such elaborate detailing on the dragon. She is able to look intelligent, kind, and fierce all at the same time, while still giving a slight smirk. This is one of my favorite illustrations of a dragon.

7. Across the Universe by Beth Revis
I love the hourglass/sleeping beauty thing going on here. This just might be my all-time favorite science fiction book cover.

7. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
It’s creepy. I never intended to read this book. I had other things to do. Finally, I just had to find up what was up with that little girl. I did not read the summary before reading the book. I downloaded the ebook and read it because I liked the cover. Yes, I really do that.

9. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and Camille Rose Garcia, Illustrator
I love the sloppy, smeared mess. I can totally relate to Alice in this picture. I look like her in the morning after madness. That’s what I would look like in Wonderland. I have no doubt of this.

10. Art & Max by David Wiesner
I’m a sucker for paint. And pixels. And David Wiesner. If I had not loved A Sick Day for Amos McGhee so much, I would have probably written an angry letter to the Caldecott voters. And that is just for the cover.

Tami's Choices:

Since I am getting this post up late, and it is getting pretty long already, I'm just going to add a few that are my favorite covers from books I have recently read or ones I am waiting to read. I sort of have tunnel vision and can only think of current ones. I'm sure there are a lot I am missing. Like Kayla, a cover can really draw me in and make me want to read the book or make me skip over it completely.

Family Magic by Patti Larsen
I love this cover! Patti Larsen has some great covers, but this is my favorite one. Her covers are an example of how an indie author can also have great book covers.

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows
I am just drawn in by the whole butterfly-look. I admit the main reason I want to read this book is the cover.

Starters by Lissa Price
Why do I like this cover? I don't know. But I'm drawn to it anyway.

Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
Another one that I don't really know why. I just know I like it! 

So, between the two of us, we showed more than 10, but there are so many great covers out there. What do you think? What are your favorite book covers?


  1. Incarnate, A Touch Mortal, and Born Wicked all have beautiful covers. Great list!

    1. Thanks! I know there are a lot more beautiful covers than what I chose, but it has to be a full package for me. :-)

      Kayla @ Krazy Book Lady

  2. I love the across the universe cover! The paperback one is even better. Great list!

    Wanna check out mine:

    1. I'll have to go grab it and look at it. I have it on the "My Precious" shelf, and sadly, I never paid too much attention to it. :-P

  3. Yes, Hexed! I love the book more than the cover, but the cover is rad also. This is the book where I fell in love with Leif Helgarson, so this book is special to me. But, I admit, I like the cover of Hounded better. Atty looks like a glowing faery to me on that one. So pretty....

    1. I agree that Hounded is a much prettier shot of Atticus, but he looks so determined in this picture. And the eyes... *swoons*

      Kayla @ Krazy Book Lady

  4. Kayla, we definitely have different tastes in book covers. However I do like the Alice in Wonderland cover. And Tami, I have Incarnate and Born Wicked in my list as well. Great picks both of you!

    My Top Ten

    1. Thanks! I know mine weren't the most beautiful picks, but they each said a lot about the book, in my opinion. When I saw them, I either wanted to know more, or I thought it fit the book perfectly after I read it. :-)

      Kayla @ Krazy Book Lady

  5. THANK YOU, Kayla!

    In my business not many things are more difficult than convincing a newbie author that they MAY BE a great, promising writer but they SHOULDN'T push their debut-moment-luck with a homemade, clip art, power point cover...until now!

    I am bookmarking the URL to THIS blog. The next client who tells me they can generate sales because 'the BOOK is really good' is going to get a lesson from Miss K. ;D

    Thanks for a great post!

  6. Love them:) I must admit Starters scares me a little. There is something about the girl, she is scary. I feel chills when I look at her eyes:)

  7. That is a gorgeous version of Alice in Wonderland.

  8. ok - even white trash zombies gets the blues i'm liking...oh yes and incarnate
