
Sunday, May 6, 2012

On Writing: Why Kids are the Best Inspiration - Guest Post by Karen Pokras Toz, Author of Nate Rocks

On Writing: Why Kids are the Best Inspiration

Guest Post by Karen Pokras Toz, author of Nate Rocks the World and Nate Rocks the Boat

I love hearing about where authors get their inspirations for their work. Often it’s something they’ve heard on the news or something that is happening with a friend or at work. One thing that most authors agree on: inspiration is all around us.

For me, inspiration comes mostly from my children. I tell people all the time that Nate Rocks is basically my three kids all rolled into one. But where do I come up with the ideas for the actual stories?

If you have read my blog, or know me personally, you know I spend the first few weeks of June packing and labeling in preparation to send my two oldest children to overnight camp for a month. I think we are going on our fifth summer of this routine - honestly, I’ve lost count, but let’s just say I’ve labeled a lot of underwear over the past few years!!

When it came time to start thinking about the second Nate Rocks book, I had to make a decision - did I want to keep going with 4th grade theme or did I want to try something different? I was in the process of the above-mentioned folding and labeling when I thought: Nate should go to camp too!

I began the process of remembering all of the stories I had heard over the years, as well as my own experiences at camp (although, mine were limited to day camp, not overnight camp.) Before I knew it, I had a book full of fun camp adventures – staring Nate Rocks, of course! Thanks kids for all the great stories – keep them coming!

About the author:
Karen Pokras Toz is a writer, wife, and mom. Karen grew up in the small town of Orange, Connecticut and graduated from Ithaca College with a degree in Finance. She also attended the University of Richmond, where she studied law and business, receiving both a JD and an MBA. Karen is a member of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Karen lives in Montgomery County, PA with her husband and three children.

You can find out more about Karen Pokras Toz and how to connect with her on her website.

Please see my reviews of Nate Rocks the World and Nate Rocks the Boat.

You can also check out Karen's previous guest post.

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