
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bella World by Kimberly Kinrade - Review

Bella World by Kimberly Kinrade
The Three Lost Kids Trilogy, Book 2
Published: April 2012
Publisher: Evolved Publishing

Bella is tired of getting blamed every time her sisters lose something. It's not her fault they misplaced something important, so why does everyone assume she took it? It makes her blood boil that no one appreciates all the things does to help and protect people. Sometimes her anger makes her do things she regrets later.

When she, her two sisters and and their dog TayTay find a watery portal to Bella World, they are surprised to discover a town ravaged by Dragon attacks. But not all is as it seems, a lesson Bella learns when they are sent to stop the Dragon.

Together, Bella and Emerald the Dragon learn to control their Dragon Fire, make amends to those they have wronged and in the process find the appreciation and acceptance they sought all along.

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Darian's Review:
Bella World is the second book in the series, and after reading Lexie World, I was happy to jump right into this book.  Bella World is about Bella, and her two sisters, who now know of magical realms hidden in a path in the woods.  Much like in Lexie World, once the girls find themselves in Bella’s world, they’re quickly met with amazing creatures and people.  They find a quaint town, now ravaged by a dangerous dragon, and it’s up to Bella to save the town and its people. 

Again, Kinrade has done a superb job of weaving valuable lessons into an entertaining story.  Lessons that are good for both kids and parents.  The timing of reading this book couldn’t have been better for me, dealing with a daughter on the cusp of ‘tween’, and helping her learn how to deal with her emotions. 

This book does a wonderful job of teaching how to handle feelings, how to make the right choices, and how our choices create circumstance.  It’s a hard lesson to teach, to children and us (often stubborn) adults, but Kinrade has managed to tap into strong core values and paint them into a beautiful story.

As I said after reading the first book in the series, I would gladly pick up any of Kinrade’s books and share them with my kids.  Because they’re not only interesting stories, they’re wonderful lessons for us both.  And what better way to learn them, than by reading it together as a family.  Kinrade is again worthy of applause for an amazing book added to the series.  I would be happy to read the next in the series, and highly recommend it to kids and parents alike.

A copy was provided by the author for review.

About the author:
Kimberly Kinrade was born with ink in her veins and magic in her heart. As a child, where others saw shapes in clouds, she saw words. But she was also an entrepreneur at heart. So when her business arrangement with the Tooth Fairy ended, she went pro with her writing. Her stories sold better than any lemonade stand and even beat out her museum of fossilized rocks in revenue.

Fast years and many college degrees later...and she is now an award winning author and reformed journalist. 

You can find out more at and the ThreeLostKids site. 

Check out Darian's review of Lexie World, the first book in the Three Lost Kids Trilogy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to review both Lexie World and Bella World. It means so much to me that you enjoyed my children's chapter books!
