
Sunday, July 1, 2012

At Last by Jill Shalvis - Review

At Last by Jill Shalvis
Lucky Harbor Novel, #5
Published: June 26, 2012 by Forever, 
an imprint of Grand Central Publishing


Amy Michaels loves her new life in Lucky Harbor. A waitress in the local diner, she's looking forward to her first weekend hike through the mountains. But when a wrong turn takes her off the trail, she finds herself up close and personal with forest ranger Matt Bowers. And even though she's tempted to kiss that sexy smile right off his face, she won't make the mistake of getting involved with the town heartthrob.

A former cop whose life went south, Matt doesn't let anyone get too close. But something about the feisty beauty caught his eye the moment he first saw her in the diner. After a hot night under a starry sky, Matt can't deny their attraction-or the fact that for the first time in a long time, he feels the stirrings of something more. Now it's up to Matt to help Amy see that, no matter what is in their past, together they can build a future in Lucky Harbor. 

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My Review:
Amy has had a hard life. She has finally settled in Lucky Harbor and has her own place, a job at the diner, and new best friends. Amy's grandmother once visited Lucky Harbor as well. Amy has her diary, which says that her grandmother found hope, peace, and heart in the large national park near Lucky Harbor. Amy intends to follow her grandmother's path in the hope that she can find the same things. Amy, however, is a city girl and not used to the dangers of the forest. In comes the sexy forest ranger, Matt. Amy and Matt have been dancing around each other for months. They have an obvious attraction to each other, but neither one has acted upon it until now. But a complication comes up. A young runaway, Riley, is sleeping in the forest, which is against the law without a permit. Because Amy had a similar upbringing as Riley, she understands her and wants to help. When Riley asks Amy to keep a secret, she is torn between being a person Riley can trust and being honest with Matt.

At Last is the fifth novel in the Lucky Harbor series. This is the third one that I have read, and Jill Shalvis has proven to be a consistently good author. She appears to have a knack for creating well-balanced characters. They are not fairy tale perfect but have the right amount of flaws and good attributes to make them realistic and likeable. I've said this before about the characters in this series, but they are just the kind of ladies that you want to make your best friends. Jill Shalvis gives you a great mix of steamy romance, humor, friendship, and heartwarming moments. I would definitely recommend Jill Shalvis and any of her Lucky Harbor novels.

*Not recommended for anyone under 18.

A copy was provided by the publisher for review.

About the author:
New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras also run by quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill's bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures. You can also like her on Facebook at and follow her on Twitter @jillshalvis.  

1 comment:

  1. I've heard good things about this author but have not had the chance to read her books yet. Sounds like a great romance novel, good review and i will definately add her to my TBR pile!
