Sunday, August 31, 2014

How I Make a Decent Income Writing Fiction by Kristy K. James - Review

How I Make a Decent Income Writing Fiction
by Kristy K. James
Published: August 6, 2014

If you’re looking for a book that’s going to take you several days or more to get through, How I Make a Decent Living Writing Fiction isn’t the book for you. If you’re looking for tips from someone who actually does make a decent income from writing fiction, maybe my experience can help you.

While I have yet to reach my target level of success, I'm still paying the bills with my writing income. All of my bills. And it's providing some of the luxuries in life, too.

If that sounds like something you could live with, check it out. Maybe some of the things I do will work for you, too.

My review:
This is one writer's story of how she makes enough money from writing romance novels to pay all of her bills. If you are new to the self-publishing world, this book contains a lot of great advice. If you are familiar with the indie world and been around "book people," you may already know many of these tips, but this book is still a good read because it gives you a sense of hope and shows you that it can be done. Kristy K. James has written a great little piece that gives it to you straight. I highly recommend reading How I Make a Decent Income Writing Fiction to any new writers or even already published indie authors. 

I picked this up during a free promotion on Amazon. I was not required to write a review.

About the author:
Kristy K. James' first goal in life was to work in law enforcement, until the night she called the police to check out a scary noise in her yard. Realizing that she might someday have to investigate scary noises in yards just as dark as hers if she continued on that path, she turned to her other favorite love...writing. Since then her days have been filled with being a mom and reluctant zookeeper (7 pets), creating stories, and looking for trouble in her kitchen.

Find out more at      

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Shimmer by Elena Dillon - Release Day Blitz and $25 Giveaway

Shimmer (Breathe #2) by Elena Dillon


YA Romantic Suspense

Book 2 in the Breathe Series:

Chandler Raines and her “dad” are on the run. Never staying in one place for very long. It’s just not safe. When they arrive in Lafayette, Louisiana, Chandler quickly realizes this is the place she wants to call home. Friends, a cute boy, and competitive cheerleading have her taking dangerous risks to have the life she always wanted. Risks she promised she wouldn’t take.

When her lies catch up to her, a decision has to be made. Stay or run? Will the evil that’s chased them for the last four years catch up to them? When Chandler’s past comes screeching into the present she’ll have to sacrifice everything to keep what she loves safe. But will it be enough?

Buy it on Amazon:

~*~About the Author~*~

Elena lives and writes in a suburb North of Los Angeles.  She has never lived anywhere besides California which is probably a good thing since she hates being cold and is terrified to drive in the snow. She loves being a wife and a mother to her three kids and three dogs, although really the bulldog is the fourth child who has never matured beyond the toddler stage.

A self-proclaimed nerd, she has been writing since she was a child. She has only recently, however, come out of the closet about this to her family and friends.  They now understand better, but not completely, why she talks about characters in stories as if they are real people.



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