writers, I still feel like I’m there a lot of days. So I will do my best to
share with you the things I’ve learned from the mistakes that I made in the
very beginning. This is in no particular order, number 1 is not more important
than number 5.
1. Don’t think that your family can actually help you edit or beta read your work.
They will lie through their teeth about how good it is because they love you.
Trust me on this one. They don’t want to hurt your feelings, so they will do
their best to sugar coat everything they say. Try to reach out to other authors
either through your community of the web to develop a group. From that group,
you can pool your resources and help each other honestly.
2. Plot your books! I have heard so many times people say things like “Oh, I don’t
plot, the characters just take me where they take me.” Here’s the thing. I was
like that, I had twenty five novels started, not one of them finished. Because
when I got to the middle, and I had no plot to work from, I got stuck and
started a new idea. Sound familiar? So start plotting, even if it’s only a
beginning, middle and an end, that will give you a path to follow.
3. Please don’t think you are artist enough to do your own cover art (this is for
Indie authors). You aren’t. And that’s okay, your talent is writing, focus on
that. A cover can literally make or break your book, and yes, I did learn this
the very hard way. Once I got my cover done right, my sales jumped to a degree
I could have only hoped for previously. In fact, I did a whole blog post on
this very topic, explaining the ins and outs of cover art. The short version
is, don’t screw it up, it can sink your career.
4. Along with number 3. If you are self publishing, allow others to work for you.
Hire people to do the jobs that you don’t know, or can’t do. If you think that you can do it all, and do it well, you’re fooling yourself. This will be things like formatting, editing, proofreading, cover art and possibly even marketing.
5. Don’t whine and complain that you can’t afford an editor. You cannot afford NOT
to have an editor. They are essential to your success as an author, they will
teach you things about your writing that you never knew. Like using the word
“palatable” in every single chapter. Or using adverbs like Clearly, heavily,
scarily, pushily all the time! (Adverbs are one of the peeves I have when
editing others work) Editors will help you grow and they will help you make
sure your manuscript is polished so that readers don’t want to throw it across
the room because “Ooops” you forgot about that one plot thread.
6. If you are going the traditional route and are going to query editors and
agents, LEARN THE RULES OF THE QUERY. The fastest way to get booted out of an
agent’s potential list is to not pay attention to the details. Do your
research, and then have your query read by a few people before sending it off.
I went the traditional route prior to self publishing, I landed an agent. But
it took time to figure out how to properly query. In this, please trust me.
Dark Waters by Shannon Mayer
Celtic Legacy #1
Published: December 2011
Genre: Urban Fantasy
The bonds of family are
stretched to the breaking point as legendary monsters, a deadly
prophecy, and soul swallowing fears threaten to destroy them. Magic,
secrets, sensuality and mind numbing terror all rolled into one to keep
the pages flying.
Add it on Goodreads, or buy now at Amazon.
Note: It looks like Dark Waters is free on Amazon through today (5/31).
About the author:
and writing from a very young age I learned early on that stories built
in a fantasy world were where the fun was at. Reading books by Robert
Jordan spurred me on and it was the first real epic fantasy that I fell
in love with. After that came Piers Anthony, Melanie Rawn and into my
older teen years, Anne Rice.
It was in Rice's novels that the idea of urban fantasy really bloomed for me and it was about that time that my grandmother was letting me read her Harlequin Historical novels. (Okay, actually she was slipping them to me when my mother wasn't looking, but let's not get picky.)
The combination of love stories and darker fantasy stuck with me and it's now not only what I gravitate towards to read on my off time (Kelly Armstrong, Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison), but has become the style I love to write in.
Besides writing, I love to spend time with my family and animals, horseback ride, garden and hike with my husband.
Find out more at ShannonMayer.com.
It was in Rice's novels that the idea of urban fantasy really bloomed for me and it was about that time that my grandmother was letting me read her Harlequin Historical novels. (Okay, actually she was slipping them to me when my mother wasn't looking, but let's not get picky.)
The combination of love stories and darker fantasy stuck with me and it's now not only what I gravitate towards to read on my off time (Kelly Armstrong, Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison), but has become the style I love to write in.
Besides writing, I love to spend time with my family and animals, horseback ride, garden and hike with my husband.
Find out more at ShannonMayer.com.