
Monday, May 14, 2012

Disappear by Mary Martinez - Interview & Giveaway

Disappear by Mary Martinez
March 2, 2012 by Canyonland Press

After two years undercover as an FBI agent to infiltrate a crime organization and discover the identity of a hit man, Tyler Beckett’s cover is blown. Tyler’s new assignment is to protect the only witness who can identify the mysterious killer. If only he didn’t find her so attractive. Each day it becomes harder to keep his objective, especially since he knows the interest is mutual.

Keira Cavanaugh is the only witness to a hit ordered by a crime boss. The safe house is compromised and the same hit man shoots Tyler. Fearing Tyler is dead, Keira plans revenge on the crime organization. She must fake her own suicide in order to survive.

When Tyler discovers what Keira plans, he realizes he must stop her before he loses her for good.

Interview with Mary Martinez:
1. If you could invite any 5 people (living or deceased) to dinner who would you choose?

Let’s see, there are so many people I’d love to invite. Are these all at the same time? Sort of a round table discussion type thing? Going with that being a ‘yes’, here are my choices; I’d invite Stephen King, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Redford, Albert Hitchcock and Nora Roberts. And why? Because could you imagine the book and screenplay we’d come up with. It would have you on the edge of your seats, there would be a love interest, and you’d never know what would happen next. It would appeal to a very wide audience.

2. How did you celebrate the sale of your first book?

I had a book signing party at our favorite restaurant/club. Nothing fancy, but we had a great time.

3. What is one book everyone should read?

There are so many good books, but I think everyone should read The Secret by Rhonda Bryne.

 4. What was your favorite book when you were younger?

I had two. The Boxcar Children, and every time I eat or make a stew I think of when they gathered their own vegetables to make one. And then also Harriet the Spy, I guess I was always into mystery.

5. Who are your favorite authors?

Well I’m sure you can guess a couple of them. Nora Roberts, Stephen King, Sandra Brown, Brenda Novak, and the list goes on and one.

6. If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why?

The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. And why? Because that was my first Historical romance and it is still my favorite.

7. Please tell us a fun, random fact about yourself that most people don't know.

This isn’t something most people don’t know, I’m a HUGE University of Utah Football fan. We tailgate every game, and often go with them on away game. But most people—well maybe they do because it’s on my bio, is that my husband and I got married at a tailgating.

Okay, how about this. Every Wednesday night my husband and I host Papa and Nana night. We have all the grandkids come over, and we even let their parents come. And we have dinner and the kids play and run all over the house. It’s total chaos and we love it. They’re usually all there before I get home from work but that’s okay. In the summer it’s the best because we can all sit and visit on the patio while the kids play.

About the author:
Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and five wonderful grandsons and 2 beautiful granddaughters.

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing and Italy for the wine. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters.

Mary and her husband are avid college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.

Mary is a member of the Romance Writers of America and several sister chapters. She has published several articles for her local Utah RWA newsletter. They have appeared in several other chapters’ newsletters.

Find out more about Mary Martinez and how to connect with her on


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  1. Heehee I love the blurb. "If only he didn't find her so attractive." :P

    I also love the first interview question. I'm reminded of poker night in the Castle TV series. :P

    Hey, I have a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway on my blog if you're interested. No catch, I promise! :)


  2. "After two years undercover as an FBI agent to infiltrate a crime organization and discover the identity of a hit man, Tyler Beckett’s cover is blown. Tyler’s new assignment is to protect the only witness who can identify the mysterious killer. If only he didn’t find her so attractive. Each day it becomes harder to keep his objective, especially since he knows the interest is mutual.
    Keira Cavanaugh is the only witness to a hit ordered by a crime boss. The safe house is compromised and the same hit man shoots Tyler. Fearing Tyler is dead, Keira plans revenge on the crime organization. She must fake her own suicide in order to survive.When Tyler discovers what Keira plans, he realizes he must stop her before he loses her for good."

    This is why I want to read Disappear by Mary Matinez.

  3. Thank you for having me here today at Krazy book lady. I loved the interview questions. Lea I really love Castle also! LMcLendon If you do read Disappear I hope you enjoy it.

    Thank you both for dropping by!

  4. Reading this great novel currently. Highly recommend to anyone with interest in exciting adventure. Thanks to you both for your time.

  5. I like suspenseful novels.

  6. I so wanna read this book.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  7. This sounds like a great romantic suspense book~my current favorite reads! Not sure how you have time to write with your busy life but glad you do!


  8. Wow, Papa and Nana Night is such a good idea! You could really keep the family together with something like that. Now, how do you do that when you are in Michigan and the grandaughter is in Florida? We skype on a pretty regular basis and I go there several times a year but it, of course, just isn't the same. Guess I'll have to become a snowbunny and go to FL for several months every winter. Now, I just need to rob a bank. . . just kidding! Anyhow, congratulations on establishing a wonderful practice!

  9. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  10. I love the romantic interest of the book. Sounds enjoyable.

  11. This book sounds great I would love the chance to read it!

  12. Just checking in. Thanks for dropping by.

    Yes it is hard to get everyone together for papa and nana night, but we all live in the same little town.

  13. I enjoyed the interview. The book sounds good.

  14. I love crime novels..can i come to the author dinner? I love all the authors that you invited.

  15. THis is sooo soo cool!! :) the books seems awesome:)

  16. Hmm... I want to try reading some books like this cause most of the time I read paranormal books... I like the style of the book... It looks torn... Anyway, thank you for this!!!
