
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Finding Your Niche: Guest Post by Mary from BookHounds and BookHounds YA

Finding Your Niche  
Guest post by Mary

The idea is simple: only blog about what you love. If you are consistent in your ideas, then the followers will come. Well, not quite that simple. It took me about a year to really find my voice. When I first started blogging, BookHounds wasn’t BookHounds. I just had the tag line Books, Gardens and Dogs, since those were my favorite things. Book reviews were my main goal since I signed up for a book reading challenge and in order to participate, I had to have a place to post my reviews. I try to concentrate on those three things but lately the garden part has taken a back seat and I only post about my dog once a week. Those dog posts get a ton of views! So there you have my niche: Books and Hounds.

I have seen some bloggers become overly niche- y and limiting their appeal to very specific readers and genres. That really works if you want to be seen as an expert in a certain subject. You can try concentrating on just one genre or several related ones – as long as you are passionate about them. I am all over the place when it comes to that since I have really an eclectic taste in books. I think there is room to for almost anyone to corner the market in their area as long as you are consistent and direct your posts to the audience you want to reach. I really recommend that you keep it to two or three basic things that you love in order to be the expert in your area.  

So, to sum up:
Find a subject you love and are passionate about.
Be consistent with that subject.
Take the time to develop it.

Mary is an adult and YA book blogger. You can find her at BookHounds and at BookHounds YA.

I would like to make guest posts from other bloggers a regular feature on Krazy Book Lady. If you would like to do a guest post about blogging tips or the world of book blogging in general, please contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice Mary! I'm a follower of Bookhounds and Bookhounds YA and I really enjoyed this post.

    Thanks for sharing :P

    Lovey Dovey Books
